European projects

Vol4Life - Volunteering for Sporty and Healthy Life


Title: Volunteering for Sporty and Healthy Life
Running dates: January - December 2019
Programme: Erasmus+ Sport | Small collaborative partnership
ID number: 603574-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-SPO-SSCP



  • Improve the key competences of the professionals of the partner organizations and other stakeholders, who wish to train, prepare and manage sports volunteering actions;
  • Develop the capacity of sports organizations in the management and training of volunteers;
  • Promote connections and the exchange of good practices between sports organizations and organizations in the field of youth and volunteering;
  • Create a network of organizations from five countries that promote the training, preparation and management of volunteers in the field of sports, both locally, nationally and internationally.


  • Transnational Coordination Meeting in Kaunas (Lithuania), for specifying strategies, working methodologies and details of activities;
  • Analysis of the volunteering situation in current society of each of the partner countries, particularly in the field of sports, mapping of all stakeholders involved, local meetings between public and private stakeholders in the field of youth, sports, volunteering, training and participation; identification and analysis sports specific volunteering training programs and good practices.
  • International Seminar in Málaga (Spain) in May 2019, for 3 participants from each partner country, to share the information gathered from the analysis and diagnosis carried out, good practices and the existing sports volunteering programmes in each of the partner countries, in order to develop a standardized training programme with basic contents and learning objectives, to be later validated by the partners and adapted to their reality.
  • Other local acivities (June-Oct. 2019): each partner country organized 2 different activities in order to share, multiply and create awareness, as well as validate/adapt the sports volunteering training programme developed during the international seminar in Malaga.
  • Creation of an e-book with all the material, information and tools developed throughout the local activities and international seminar.
  • Final Conference (November 2019) in Athens (Greece) for evaluation of the project and public presentation of project results.

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