Final Conference ETICASD project concluded its journey in a delightful way. On the 24th of June, the project partnership and its participants …
European projects
E.T.I.C.A.S.D. - Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development
Title: E.T.I.C.A.S.D. – Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development
Running dates: Settembre 2018 – Giugno 2021
Programme: Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships | Adult Education
ID number: 2018-1-IT02-KA204-048331
The European Union is still facing a lot of difficulties that put at risk the “inclusive growth” which the Europe 2020 strategy is aiming for. Not only young people, but also many adults over 50 are unemployed and many migrants, regularly resident in EU countries have great difficulty in finding a job.
In the case of adults over 50, the possession of obsolete qualifications, not updated with the skills required today, hinder their inclusion or permanence in the world of work. Many migrants, are in possession of only basic qualifications or, if they have qualifications, they are not recognized in the host countries.
Most over 50s and even migrants have little competence in new technologies.
Many adults living alone, with financial difficulties, without work are at risk of social exclusion and total isolation, also having difficulty in requesting help.
Women over 50 who live alone, have dedicated themselves in the past to the growth of their children and their families, they have renounced the development of skills and professionalism.
Migrants and refugees who live in the host countries have difficulty in feeling integrated into the social and working life, they have poor language skills and few opportunities to know and be known by the resident population.
There is a big difference in mentality between young people and over 50s and this causes a strong cultural gap, a lack of communication and dialogue skills.
A mentality of exclusion and rejection towards migrants is increasingly widespread.
Demographic aging of society can only be sustained by lengthening working life and active aging, by a culture of health and well-being and lifelong learning.
The project’s general objective is to develop key competences in adult population and strengthen the network of actors in the field of education, training, and guidance in each participating territories to promote social and professional fulfillment and inclusion of adults.
- Over 50 adult population disadvantaged for low level of qualification;
- Adult migrants/refugees residing in the participant countries.
- To develop key competences in the adult population in a creative, innovative and non-formal learning environment;
- To promote the inclusion of people at risk of social exclusion;
- To strengthen the network of actors (volunteering, education, inclusion);
- Promoting intercultural and intergenerational dialogue, social skills and active participation in society.
- Creation of didactic material on key competences (KC 1,2,3,4,5,6);
- Project website with an interactive e-learning platform (;
- Video Curriculum that enhances non-formal and informal experiences of adult learners that will be developed during the learning activity;
- 2 4-week learning mobility: in Italy (September-October 2019) and in Spain (February-March 2020) for 32 adults. These mobilities involved adult learners from each partner organization of the project. The participants were engaged in non-formal education activities and had the opportunity to get in touch with organisations and associations in the host country, with the aim of promoting their social and/or professional inclusion, through the development of skills and key competences.
- TRAVELOGUE APS (Coordinatore) – Italia
Visita la pagina dei risultati Erasmus+
The learning activity is provided with an online learning space that will be integrated with the project’s website but will also be separated in a visible way. It will serve as the medium for the preparatory material before the physical training course and can be used by other adult learnenrs.
Features of the e-learning space:
• creation of online courses
• teacher and learner’s profiles
• lesson management and tracking course progress
• forum integration
• quizzes and questions
• webinar integration
• calendar integration
• ranking / rating system
• mobile compatible
In order to reflect on their own learning needs and deepen certain topics before the 4 weeks mobility experience, the learners will do a minimum of 30 hours of the linguistic and cultural preparation referred to the hosting country (Communication in foreign languages: ITALIAN), which is uploaded among the online learning offer. But also the participation in the other on line modules will be a requirement assessed in the selection of learners to be sent in mobility.
The 4 weeks learning activity in Italy will be organised in a weekly schedule: the learners will have different topics everyday, according to the modules described above (Competence 2 to 6). Competence 2 will be Italian Language.
The activity will be structured to be as involving as possible, with not only traditional learning experience “in-Aula” but also through direct contact with local social environment: meetings, workshops and cooperation with local professionals and experts, local stakeholders, institutes for Adult education, teachers and school students, ICT specialists, volunteers, professionals in health, wellness and social work, trainer, mentoring and guidance specialists.
The learning activity is provided with an online learning space that will be integrated with the project’s website but will also be separated in a visible way. It will serve as the medium for the preparatory material before the physical training course and can be used by other adult learnenrs.
Features of the e-learning space:
• creation of online courses
• teacher and learner’s profiles
• lesson management and tracking course progress
• forum integration
• quizzes and questions
• webinar integration
• calendar integration
• ranking / rating system
• mobile compatible
In order to reflect on their own learning needs and deepen certain topics before the 4 weeks mobility experience, the learners will do a minimum of 30 hours of the linguistic and cultural preparation referred to the hosting country (Communication in foreign languages: SPANISH), which is uploaded among the online learning offer. But also the participation in the other on line modules will be a requirement assessed in the selection of learners to be sent in mobility.
The 4 weeks learning activity in Italy will be organised in a weekly schedule: the learners will have different topics everyday, according to the modules described above (Competence 2 to 6). Competence 2 will be Spanish Language.
The activity will be structured to be as involving as possible, with not only traditional learning experience “in-Aula” but also through direct contact with local social environment: meetings, workshops and cooperation with local professionals and experts, local stakeholders, institutes for Adult education, teachers and school students, ICT specialists, volunteers, professionals in health, wellness and social work, trainer, mentoring and guidance specialists.
Key Competences Courses
Compilation of all the evaluation reports of participants and organizations before and after the blended mobilities of the project.
The Video Curricula represent one of the outputs of the adults’ learning mobilities and they were recorded during the activities in Italy and in Spain and even after them in the partner countries.
Adult learners have developed key competences, with particular reference to digital competence, through the online learning platform and during the mobilities. They have been thaught some basic presentation tips and video editing skills in order to be able to create their video CV. This tool is useful for ones self promotion in professional field or simply to valorise prior learning and life experiences in order to use them in other contexts, such as volunteering and non formal education. The video Curricula are innovative tools reflecting the creativity of their authors and in the frame of our project they were useful to collect the outcomes of the intercultural experience
News and updates
After the return of Italian learners from the second blended mobility in Malaga, we carried out some video calls through whatsapp to …
Final meeting and conference of the ETICASD project
The last coordination meeting and the final dissemination conference of the project “E.T.I.C.A.S.D. – Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development”, co-financed …
Conferenza finale del progetto Erasmus+ “E.T.I.C.A.S.D.”
Pensi che il programma Erasmus+ sia solo per studenti e giovani? Il nostro progetto ti dimostrerà che ti sbagli! L’associazione Travelogue APS …
3rd ETICASD Project Newsletter
Do you think Erasmus + is just for students and young people? The project E.T.I.C.A.S.D. – “Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult …
ETICASD Third Project Meeting in Spain
The third Transnational Project Meeting of “E.T.I.C.A.S.D. – Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development” was held in Spain in February …
Un mese di attività a Malaga per lo sviluppo delle competenze chiave con il progetto Erasmus+ ETICASD
Sabato scorso ha preso avvio la seconda mobilità internazionale del progetto “E.T.I.C.A.S.D – Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development”, cofinanziato …
ETICASD Launch of the 2nd blended mobility of the ETICASD project in Spain
Participants from Greece, Italy and France has arrived in Malaga, Spain on February, 15th to participate at the workshops that aim to …
2nd ETICASD Project Newsletter is here
Welcome to our 2nd Newsletter The project general objective is to develop key competences in adult population and to strengthen the network …
Incontro informativo per la mobilità del progetto E.T.I.C.A.S.D.
Se siete interessati/e a partecipare ad una mobilità di apprendimento a Malaga, dal 15 Febbraio al 15 Marzo 2020, vi invitiamo a …
Opportunità di apprendimento per adulti in Spagna – febbraio/marzo 2020
Hai più di 50 anni o sei un adulto migrante maggiore di 18 anni con possibilità di viaggiare all’estero? Vorresti partecipare ad …
Participants impressions from InterMediaKT
“The learning mobility in Marsciano was a great experience”, this is the first and foremost sentence which was heard during the post-training …
Selection of participants for the Second blended mobility of the project in Spain
The selection of participants for the second blended mobility in Spain has just begun! Each project partner organisation will select 4 participants …
Participants impresion from Crefad Loire
The Key4development project which is a European cooperation project between several structures of the social and solidarity economy in Greece, Italy, Spain …
Volunteering meeting
Last 24th october 2019, our Spanish partners held a “Volunteering Meeting” to welcome back the 6 Spanish participants of the #key4development mobility …
Si è appena conclusa la prima mobilità del progetto Erasmus+ “ETICASD” a Marsciano
Si è appena conclusa la prima mobilità del progetto E.T.I.C.A.S.D. – “Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development”, cofinanziato dal programma …
Erasmus days: Virtual interview with participants
Our Spanish partner took part of the Erasmus days activities last 10th October with a virtual event “Erasmus, Connecting People” where several …
ETICASD Second Transnational Project Meeting in Italy
The second Transnational Project Meeting of “E.T.I.C.A.S.D. – Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development” was held in Italy in September …
Launch of the 1st blended mobility of the ETICASD project in Italy
September is a key4development month! Associazzione Travelogue welcomed all learners from Greece, France and Spain in an opening conference in Marsciano! While …
Conferenza di apertura della prima mobilità progetto “E.T.I.C.A.S.D.”
Venerdì 20 Settembre alle ore 18.00, presso la sala Capitini, si terrà la conferenza di apertura della prima mobilità del progetto Erasmus …
Greek Participants meeting with People Behind and InterMediaKT
Yesterday we met with the Greek learners of the learning training mobility of #ETICASD project, which will start next week in marsciano …
Final selection of participants and preparation from IIJ Spain
On 3rd September 2019, the final 6 selected Spanish participants attended a preparation meeting for the first mobility in Marsciano, Italy, …
Italian class farewell party!
On 1st August 2019, our Spanish partners in Malaga had their last Italian lesson with the candidates for the mobility in …
“E.T.I.C.A.S.D” 1st Newsletter is online!
The 1st Newsletter of the Erasmus+ KA2 project “E.T.I.C.A.S.D” is online! Discover all the activities we are implementing!
The Greek team from our project working on Literacy & Digital Competences (KC1 & KC4) to address the need of developing an …
Soon the 1st Blended Mobility of the project in Italy
The first Blended Mobility of the project “E.T.I.C.A.S.D. – Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development”, will be hosted from …
Open call for the mobility: On 25th June 2019, Iniciativa Internacional Joven published an open call to participate in Key4Dedelopment (E.T.I.C.A.S.D.) in our …
ETICASD officially presented by the Spanish Partners
On June 14th, Iniciativa Internacional Joven, the Spanish partner of Key4Development, carried out a public presentation of the project at its local …
ETICASD website officially launched
ETICASD draft version website launched on 16th of April and is open for everyone who are interested about skills development through …
E.T.I.C.A.S.D. – Kick Off Meeting – Saint Etienne (France)
During the last days the Association Travelogue was involved in the opening meeting of the project “E.T.I.C.A.S.D. Education Tools Improvement Contributing to …
“E.T.I.C.A.S.D” Kick Off Meeting
The Kick Off Meeting of “E.T.I.C.A.S.D. – Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development” took place on 6th and 7th of …
New Erasmus + KA2 Strategic partnership for adult education approved! Project title: “E.T.I.C.A.S.D. – Education Tools Improvement Contributing to Adult Social Development”. …