European projects


Sport Power: Promoting Sport for Women Empowerment


Title: Sport Power: Promoting sport for women empowerment
Running dates: Gennaio 2020- dicembre 2021
Programme: Erasmus+ Sport | Small collaborative partnership
ID number: 613468-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-SPO-SSCP


  • Travelogue APS (Italy – Coordinator);
  • ASD Trevi Volley (Italy)
  • Liceul Teoretic “Emil Racovita” (Romania)
  • Asociación Iniciativa Internacional Joven (Spain)
  • TheDojo.Org.UK (UK)


In sport, as well as in other social and professional fields women still find it hard to make themselves recognized despite their numerous and undisputed successes. Sport can be a driving force for women empowerment, for their participation in social and cultural life, developing essential life skills, increasing their self-esteem and enable them to make choices about their lives. It could also help to fight against discrimination and gender violence, which is an increasing phenomenon in our present society.
After a needs’ analysis carried out together with professionals, volunteers and beneficiaries of the partner organizations, we decided to submit this project, “Sport Power: Promoting Sport for Women Empowerment”.


  • To promote equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity, through increased participation in sport activities, and equal access to sport for all;
  • To improve the key competences of professionals and volunteers of the partner organizations and other stakeholders, who wish to train, prepare and manage sports activities, increasing women’s participation, achieving gender equality and eliminating gender stereotypes, with a focus on developing mentoring skills;
  • Promoting women’s participation in sport activities as a tool for developing their transversal competences, soft skills and skills for employability, such as communication, negotiation skills and leadership, all of which are essential to women’s empowerment;
  • To promote connections and good practices exchange between organizations in the field of sport, interested in the promotion of women’s participation, improving gender equity;
  • To create a network of organizations from four countries, promoting training, preparation and management of professionals and volunteers in the field of sports, both locally, nationally and internationally.


Transnational coordination meeting

First project meeting in Vaslui, (Romania)

Local Activities I
  • Analysis of equal opportunity situation in the field of sport in current society of each of the partner country
  • Mapping of all stakeholders involved
  • Incontri locali tra soggetti pubblici e privati nel campo della gioventù, dello sport, delle pari opportunità, della formazione e della partecipazione civica
  • Identification and analysis of specific sport training programs and good practices for coaches and athletes, with a focus on gender equality, at local level.
International seminar

 Second project meeting in Marsciano and Trevi (Italy)

The target of the seminar are the responsible of partner organisations and young volunteers/workers in the field of sport.
The seminar will have the following aims:

  • To put in common the information analyzed and collected by each of the partners
    during the local activities I;
  • To encourage cooperation and the exchange of knowledge, good practices and competences
    in the promotion of equal opportunities in sport among partner organizations;
  • To create a standard training program with the basic content and learning objectives focused on equal opportunity and women empowerment so that each of the partners can subsequently validate and adapt it to their specific reality.
Local activities II
  • Meetings in each partner country with instructors, sports professionals, responsible for institutions and organizations related to the subject, to share the results of the Seminar.
  • Workshop/Practical activities in each partner country with sport trainers and instructors who want to be trained in the field of equal opportunities in sport. Objective: To put in practice and adapt the toolkit.
  •  Local evaluation of activities and Online evaluation meeting between the partners
Final Conference 

Final project meeting in Malaga, (Spain)

La conferenza finale sarà una riunione/evento moltiplicatore transnazionale che avrà i seguenti obiettivi:

  • To present the project, activities and results
  • To make the final evaluation of the project.


  • Toolkit with tools for women empowerment and methodologies to promote
    gender equality in sport.
  • Multilingual project website with all the materials, information and tools exchanged and developed throughout the local activities and international seminar.
  • Video with photographs and videos of all the activities carried out throughout the project.

Visit the project website

Leggi il Toolkit: