Wellbeing and inclusion for new educational resources – 2014/16 ERASMUS+ KA2

Travelogue, together with schools, local institutions and no-profit organizations from Romania and Italy, participates in the project  “WELLBEING AND INCLUSION FOR NEW EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES” for school inclusion.


Project coordinator institution: Vaslui County School Inspectorate, Vaslui, Romania

Project main partner institution: Comune di Marsciano, Marsciano, Italy

Italian Consortium:

– ZONA SOCIALE Media Valle del Tevere

– Dir. Didattica 1° Circolo Marsciano

– Ist. Comprensivo Massa Martana

– Ist. Omnicomprensivo Mameli-Magnini Deruta

– Ist. Superiore Ciuffelli Einaudi Todi,

– Liceo Jacopone da Todi

– Associazione Travelogue Marsciano

– The project general objective is to improve the level of inclusion of migrant and re-migrated children and families in the chosen country and of lonely children, in order to develop a wellbeing based school and community environment both in RO and IT

Specific objectives:

to develop a wellbeing-based, inclusive, non-discriminatory environment in min. 8 schools from Vaslui(RO)and Umbria(IT)regions.

-to develop a common inclusion strategy involving at least 8 schools,2 NGO,9 municipalities and 2 education institutions from Vaslui(RO) and Umbria(IT).

-to improve the educational and social environment for min.772 migrant, 140 re-migrated and 200 left alone children.

-to raise awareness of the importance of the European cooperation between educational systems, civil society responsibles in order to support young people full integration in society, especially those in risk of exclusion.

-to create an European bilateral space of reflection and sharing of experience between all stakeholders involved in the youth counseling and support for integration in their adoption/origin country

The target groups are:

  1. a) Romanian students from the involved schools, Italian/migrant students of 17 nationalities from 5 Italian schools of which, 40.9%(282 students) are from Romania.


-134 teachers from the 3 Romanian schools involved in the project.

-aprox. 200 teachers from the 5 Italian schools involved in the project


-aprox.640 Romanian and 340 Italian parents/tutors/other family members


Project results:

 Experience and expertise acquired during the project, meetings and conferences organized in Romania and Italy and the intellectual outputs which are useful and can be used after the end of the project to continue the evaluation of the inclusion level of schools, improving the school environment and, in the same time the wellbeing of children and families, as par of the society wellbeing. The intellectual outputs consist in training for teachers, a study on migrant and re-migrated children and a guide collecting good practices on school inclusion in Italy and in Romania.