project description
The International Relations Office’ mission is to inform students wishing to study abroad and to guide foreign students at the University of Pau. The volunteer will accompany international students in the beginning of the academic year (September and January for Erasmus students) and help them around during the rest of their stay. He/she will help them for the inscriptions to IEFE (French as a foreign language courses) and all practical arrangements of the campus, being the link between the international students and the campus’ administrative services. The volunteer will be able to learn how to implement communication tools facilitating the information on the students’ life (social networks, multimedia tools) and participate in the organisation of information seminars, informing the students about students exchange programs. His/her main tasks will be related to the support of the ESN network by the organisation of activities: linguistic cafés, excursions, theme evenings,…
accommodation, food and transport arrangements
The volunteer will stay in a studio on the University Campus. He/she will receive a monthly budget for food and local transport.
training during the project
French language lessons will be provided by the university twice a week.
volunteer profile
ONLY FOR ITALIAN APPLICANTS: The volunteer should be interested in international relations, intercultural activities, event organisation, communication and foreign languages.
how to apply
Italian applicants are welcome to send their CV and motivation letter before the 20th of July to