2nd ETICASD Project Newsletter is here

Welcome to our 2nd Newsletter

The project general objective is to develop key competences in adult population and to strengthen the network of actors in the field of education, training, and guidance in each participating territories to promote social and professional fulfillment and inclusion of adults.

The specific objectives are:

SO1. Raising the quality of adult learning, involving 160 participants (over 50s and migrants) in learning experiences to strengthen their skills and Key Competences (1,2,3,4,5,6) in a creative, innovative, non-formal learning environment.
SO2. To promote the inclusion of people at risk of social exclusion, fostering their self-esteem and autonomy, strengthening the attitude to lifelong learning and social development to 160 adults through experiences exchange with those coming from different contexts.
SO3. To develop a more integrated information system in continue education, guidance, training and job opportunities, offered to adult population and increase the knowledge of Eu Programmes for adults.
SO4. Stimulate an open mind, intercultural exchange and intergenerational dialogue in at least 160 adults, fostering the development of their social skills and active participation to society.
The main activities will include preparation activities, development of learning materials on Key Competences, mentoring activities for self-assessment of adult skills, 4 transnational project meetings, 2 blended mobilities of adult learners of 4 weeks (in Italy and Spain), the creation of an online interactive guide, the realization of Video CV with adult learners and monitoring, evaluation and dissemination activities. Our 2nd newsletter covers the 2nd part of our Project’s timeline & activities for the period July – December 2019.