Participants impresion from Crefad Loire

The Key4development project which is a European cooperation project between several structures of the social and solidarity economy in Greece, Italy, Spain and France. This project offers two highlights: 30 days of mobility, once in Italy and once in Spain for 4 people residing in France and away from employment. Objectives: to develop and acquire first skills: cultural and inter-cultural skills.

Thus, from mid-September to mid-October, two Saint-Etienne’s inhabitants, Laurent and Serge, went to Marsciano in Perugia region to be involved in local associations (help within the distribution of food, learning chess inside an associative café, gardening), to participate in digital, linguistic and cultural workshops alongside others in their situation from partner countries.

On 18th of November, back in Saint-Etienne, the two people are accompanied by the Crefad Loire to develop an activity, for one it will be DJ for banquets and ceremonies that seek a jazz animation, for the other it will be a street vendor and creator of handmade jewelry.

This project has re-mobilized them to “do it” and allowed them to believe in themselves and their abilities to be actors and active in their territories. One step made by these two happy people who encourage all those who wish to live the same experience to get closer to Crefad Loire for the next mobility to be held in Malaga from February 15 to March 14, 2020.

Come and attend the information meeting on December 6th at 4pm or December 12th in the local Ici Bientôt. Remember to register by calling 09 86 38 24 46 or