key competences

Selection of participants for the Second blended mobility of the project in Spain

The selection of participants for the second blended mobility in Spain has just begun! Each project partner organisation will select 4 participants that will attend a 4 weeks-training course in Malaga (Spain) from February 15th to March 15th 2020. Associazione Travelogue has just published its call for participants and will organise a meeting with all …

Selection of participants for the Second blended mobility of the project in Spain Leggi altro »

Participants impresion from Crefad Loire

The Key4development project which is a European cooperation project between several structures of the social and solidarity economy in Greece, Italy, Spain and France. This project offers two highlights: 30 days of mobility, once in Italy and once in Spain for 4 people residing in France and away from employment. Objectives: to develop and acquire …

Participants impresion from Crefad Loire Leggi altro »

Volunteering meeting

Last 24th october 2019, our Spanish partners held a “Volunteering Meeting” to welcome back the 6 Spanish participants of the #key4development mobility in Marsciano, Italy. During this event, the participants presented the mobility and the activities they carried out and shared this unique experience with the rest of the attendees.